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Interesting Psychological Facts About Love

1. At the age of 16, 80% of people have already met the person they are going to marry.
2. Study Tells that men and women experience Same amount of emotion but women tend to show it more.
3. Morning kisses can help to prevent against stress related illness, it triggers the harmone that helps a person deal with pressure.
4. Psychology says, people tend to value memories more than actual person. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the actual person.
5. The more we hear something ,the more we believe it is true, it is called the illusion of Truth effect.
6. When a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn't care anymore.
7. When people in love stare into each other's eyes, their heart beat sync together.
8. Man typically fall in love faster than women.
9. Men are more attracted to women wearing red.
10. Simply looking at the picture of Loved one can helps to relieve pain, stress and worry.
11. Couples who have similar qualities are not likely to last romantic relationship.
12. Caring+intimacy+caring = love
13. Love is not a lust, love is different from the passion or lust.
14. Being a perfectionist in love can lead to stress and depression.
15. We can love two people at the same time, but never at same intensity.
16. The term love is derived from the Sanskrit word "lubhyati" meaning "desire".
17. Love Triggers oxytocin, the love harmone. It reduces stress.
18. Falling in love has similar neurological effect as cocaine.
19. It takes 4 or less than 4 minutes to fall in love with someone.
20. Looking at someone we love, our pupils dilate.
21. Most people likely to fall in love with someone when They meet in dangerous situation.
22. Holding hands with someone you love can reduce your street, pain and worry.
Interesting Psychological Facts About Love Interesting Psychological Facts About Love Reviewed by 360D on December 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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